I & M added an often thought after piece of equipment to the industrial equipment line-up. The Elevated Body Temperature Access Management device from Verifyii.
COVID-19 forever changed our world, but we are connected people and Verifyii’s mission is to help our world safely resume those connections through technology. Verifyii’s technology platform allows companies to create customized requirements for proper screening while protecting the privacy of employees, vendors and visitors. With Verifyii, we can safely resume our connections with others in a post COVID world.
The Verifyii EBT Technology monitors body temperature with a Self-Calibrated Industrial Grade Thermal Camera that provides for Fast, Precise and Reliable temperature readings. This system learns over time the average body temperature for each employee for fast, accurate scans and warns HR if anyone shows signs of fever. Additionally, easy integration with HRMS for Facial Recognition allowing for Non-contact time clocks for employees in addition to the real time health screening based on temperature.
Check out our website for EBT Kiosk features and benefits.